This tutorial explains how to record videos and microphones using RecordRTC; and upload recorded data to your PHP server.
First step, write a simple RecordRTC video recording application.
Hope you didn't miss this youtube tutorial:
Here is a LIVE jsFiddle demo:
Source codes for the demo:
Second step, write a PHP file. Lets name it "save.php".
Third & last step, upload recorded blob to PHP.
Want to use up-to-dated PHP file uploading code? Download this file:
Having PHP upload issues on your own server? Please check this wiki:
Hints for PHP upload issues:
First step, PHP reads "video-filename" HTTP_POST parameter. This parameter helps us set uploaded file name.
Second step, PHP checks for "video-blob" HTTP_POST (i.e. $_FILES) parameter. This parameter allows us get uploaded file data.
Third step, "video-blob" parameter has a nested "tmp_name" paremter i.e.
"tmp_name" parameter helps us locate the uploaded file on ~/tmp directory.
Which means that file is already uploaded to ~/tmp directory. We simply need to move file from ~/tmp to our custom location.
That's why we use "move_upload_file" method.
Fourth and last step, use "move_upload_file" method to move uploaded file from ~/tmp to "./uploads" directory.
"move_upload_file" takes two parameters. First parameter is ~/tmp/fileName.webm and second parameter is "./uploads/fileName.webm".
This method fails in following cases:
Here is how to set read-write privileges for "./uploads" directory (using PHP):
However BASH based privileges are preferred/recommended:
You can use "apache:apache" if "www-data:www-data" doesn't works above.
Searching for RecordRTC simple demos? Please check this directory:
Have issues/bugs/questions, please report here:
First step, write a simple RecordRTC video recording application.
Hope you didn't miss this youtube tutorial:
Here is a LIVE jsFiddle demo:
Source codes for the demo:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <video id="your-video-id" controls="" autoplay=""></video> <script type="text/javascript"> // capture camera and/or microphone navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }).then(function(camera) { // preview camera during recording document.getElementById('your-video-id').muted = true; document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = camera; // recording configuration/hints/parameters var recordingHints = { type: 'video' }; // initiating the recorder var recorder = RecordRTC(camera, recordingHints); // starting recording here recorder.startRecording(); // auto stop recording after 5 seconds var milliSeconds = 5 * 1000; setTimeout(function() { // stop recording recorder.stopRecording(function() { // get recorded blob var blob = recorder.getBlob(); // open recorded blob in a new window URL.createObjectURL(blob) ); // release camera document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = null; camera.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); // you can preview recorded data on this page as well document.getElementById('your-video-id').src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); }, milliSeconds); }); </script> </body> </html>
Second step, write a PHP file. Lets name it "save.php".
<?php // upload directory $filePath = 'uploads/' . $_POST['video-filename']; // path to ~/tmp directory $tempName = $_FILES['video-blob']['tmp_name']; // move file from ~/tmp to "uploads" directory if (!move_uploaded_file($tempName, $filePath)) { // failure report echo 'Problem saving file: '.$tempName; die(); } // success report echo 'success'; ?>
Third & last step, upload recorded blob to PHP.
var formData = new FormData(); // recorded data formData.append('video-blob', recordedBlob); // file name formData.append('video-filename',; // upload using jQuery $.ajax({ url: 'save.php', // your server URL data: formData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function(response) { if (response === 'success') { alert('successfully uploaded recorded blob'); } else { alert(response); } } });
Here is a complete demo, uploading to PHP using jQuery:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <style> video { max-width: 100%; border: 5px solid yellow; border-radius: 9px; } body { background: black; } h1 { color: yellow; } </style> </head> <body> <h1 id="header">RecordRTC Upload to PHP</h1> <video id="your-video-id" controls="" autoplay=""></video> <script type="text/javascript"> // capture camera and/or microphone navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }).then(function(camera) { // preview camera during recording document.getElementById('your-video-id').muted = true; document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = camera; // recording configuration/hints/parameters var recordingHints = { type: 'video' }; // initiating the recorder var recorder = RecordRTC(camera, recordingHints); // starting recording here recorder.startRecording(); // auto stop recording after 5 seconds var milliSeconds = 5 * 1000; setTimeout(function() { // stop recording recorder.stopRecording(function() { // get recorded blob var blob = recorder.getBlob(); // generating a random file name var fileName = getFileName('webm'); // we need to upload "File" --- not "Blob" var fileObject = new File([blob], fileName, { type: 'video/webm' }); var formData = new FormData(); // recorded data formData.append('video-blob', fileObject); // file name formData.append('video-filename',; document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = 'Uploading to PHP using jQuery.... file size: (' + bytesToSize(fileObject.size) + ')'; // upload using jQuery $.ajax({ url: '', // replace with your own server URL data: formData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function(response) { if (response === 'success') { alert('successfully uploaded recorded blob'); // file path on server var fileDownloadURL = '' +; // preview the uploaded file URL document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = '<a href="' + fileDownloadURL + '" target="_blank">' + fileDownloadURL + '</a>'; // preview uploaded file in a VIDEO element document.getElementById('your-video-id').src = fileDownloadURL; // open uploaded file in a new tab; } else { alert(response); // error/failure } } }); // release camera document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = null; camera.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); }); }, milliSeconds); }); // this function is used to generate random file name function getFileName(fileExtension) { var d = new Date(); var year = d.getUTCFullYear(); var month = d.getUTCMonth(); var date = d.getUTCDate(); return 'RecordRTC-' + year + month + date + '-' + getRandomString() + '.' + fileExtension; } function getRandomString() { if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') === -1) { var a = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(3)), token = ''; for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { token += a[i].toString(36); } return token; } else { return (Math.random() * new Date().getTime()).toString(36).replace(/\./g, ''); } } </script> </body> </html>
Here is a demo uploading to PHP using simple JavaScript (no-jQurery):
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <style> video { max-width: 100%; border: 5px solid yellow; border-radius: 9px; } body { background: black; } h1 { color: yellow; } </style> </head> <body> <h1 id="header">RecordRTC Upload to PHP</h1> <video id="your-video-id" controls="" autoplay=""></video> <script type="text/javascript"> // capture camera and/or microphone navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }).then(function(camera) { // preview camera during recording document.getElementById('your-video-id').muted = true; document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = camera; // recording configuration/hints/parameters var recordingHints = { type: 'video' }; // initiating the recorder var recorder = RecordRTC(camera, recordingHints); // starting recording here recorder.startRecording(); // auto stop recording after 5 seconds var milliSeconds = 5 * 1000; setTimeout(function() { // stop recording recorder.stopRecording(function() { // get recorded blob var blob = recorder.getBlob(); // generating a random file name var fileName = getFileName('webm'); // we need to upload "File" --- not "Blob" var fileObject = new File([blob], fileName, { type: 'video/webm' }); uploadToPHPServer(fileObject, function(response, fileDownloadURL) { if(response !== 'ended') { document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = response; // upload progress return; } document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = '<a href="' + fileDownloadURL + '" target="_blank">' + fileDownloadURL + '</a>'; alert('Successfully uploaded recorded blob.'); // preview uploaded file document.getElementById('your-video-id').src = fileDownloadURL; // open uploaded file in a new tab; }); // release camera document.getElementById('your-video-id').srcObject = null; camera.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); }); }, milliSeconds); }); function uploadToPHPServer(blob, callback) { // create FormData var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('video-filename',; formData.append('video-blob', blob); callback('Uploading recorded-file to server.'); makeXMLHttpRequest('', formData, function(progress) { if (progress !== 'upload-ended') { callback(progress); return; } var initialURL = '' +; callback('ended', initialURL); }); } function makeXMLHttpRequest(url, data, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) { if (request.responseText === 'success') { callback('upload-ended'); return; } alert(request.responseText); return; } }; request.upload.onloadstart = function() { callback('PHP upload started...'); }; request.upload.onprogress = function(event) { callback('PHP upload Progress ' + Math.round(event.loaded / * 100) + "%"); }; request.upload.onload = function() { callback('progress-about-to-end'); }; request.upload.onload = function() { callback('PHP upload ended. Getting file URL.'); }; request.upload.onerror = function(error) { callback('PHP upload failed.'); }; request.upload.onabort = function(error) { callback('PHP upload aborted.'); };'POST', url); request.send(data); } // this function is used to generate random file name function getFileName(fileExtension) { var d = new Date(); var year = d.getUTCFullYear(); var month = d.getUTCMonth(); var date = d.getUTCDate(); return 'RecordRTC-' + year + month + date + '-' + getRandomString() + '.' + fileExtension; } function getRandomString() { if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') === -1) { var a = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(3)), token = ''; for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { token += a[i].toString(36); } return token; } else { return (Math.random() * new Date().getTime()).toString(36).replace(/\./g, ''); } } </script> </body> </html>
Want to use up-to-dated PHP file uploading code? Download this file:
Having PHP upload issues on your own server? Please check this wiki:
Hints for PHP upload issues:
- You need to enable read-write access for "uploads" directory
- You need to allow "save.php" file to move uploaded files from ~/tmp directory to your "./uploads" directory.
- You need to set "post_max_size" to at least 100 MB
- You need to set "upload_max_filesize" to at least 100 MB
- You need to set "max_input_time" to at least 10800 (or at least 2-3 minutes)
- For detailed information, please check the wiki page
How PHP saves the recorded blob?
First step, PHP reads "video-filename" HTTP_POST parameter. This parameter helps us set uploaded file name.
Second step, PHP checks for "video-blob" HTTP_POST (i.e. $_FILES) parameter. This parameter allows us get uploaded file data.
Third step, "video-blob" parameter has a nested "tmp_name" paremter i.e.
$tmp_name = $_FILES['video-blob']['tmp_name'];
"tmp_name" parameter helps us locate the uploaded file on ~/tmp directory.
Which means that file is already uploaded to ~/tmp directory. We simply need to move file from ~/tmp to our custom location.
That's why we use "move_upload_file" method.
Fourth and last step, use "move_upload_file" method to move uploaded file from ~/tmp to "./uploads" directory.
"move_upload_file" takes two parameters. First parameter is ~/tmp/fileName.webm and second parameter is "./uploads/fileName.webm".
This method fails in following cases:
- File was not uploaded to ~/tmp directory; reason: max_upload_filesize or upload_timeout issues.
- "./uploads" directory doesn't allows "save.php" file to move file. i.e. you did not set read-write privileges for "./uploads" directory.
Here is how to set read-write privileges for "./uploads" directory (using PHP):
<?php // Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else chmod("./uploads", 0600); // Read and write for owner, read for everybody else chmod("./uploads", 0644); // Everything for owner, read and execute for others chmod("./uploads", 0755); // Everything for owner, read and execute for owner's group chmod("./uploads", 0750); ?>
However BASH based privileges are preferred/recommended:
[sudo] chmod 755 ./uploads [sudo] chown -R www-data:www-data ./uploads
You can use "apache:apache" if "www-data:www-data" doesn't works above.
Searching for RecordRTC simple demos? Please check this directory:
Have issues/bugs/questions, please report here: